Three Things You Should Do When You’ve Been Rear-Ended

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After you’ve been involved in an accident, your heart is likely pounding and adrenaline is pumping through your veins. In this situation, it can be difficult to know exactly what to do. That’s why you should be familiar with what you should do after an accident before it happens.

Report Even Minor Accidents

When you are in a serious accident that results in significant damage to your car or injures the people involved, it’s obvious that your first step should be to call 911. However, even seemingly minor accident can cause personal injuries. As such, even if you’d prefer not wait for authorities to arrive and file a report, it may be in your best interest to report the accident to the police in the event that you are feeling pain in the days that follow an accident.

Police officers will be able to assess the circumstances of the crash and file an official report. This can be helpful if you realize that the accident did more damage than you thought or if the other driver tries to file a claim against you.

After you’ve reported the accident to the police, you should also call your insurance company. If you want to file a claim, timely reporting is key. Also, as soon as the accident happens, the evidence clock starts. The longer you wait, the more likely the evidence you need to prove your case will be cleaned up or lost.

Keep a Record of the Events

Just like evidence, your accurate memories of the event will start to fade as adrenaline levels return to normal. Your most accurate memory of the accident is right after it occurs. If you are able, start to make a record of the crash after you are sure everyone involved is okay. Talk to the other drivers and witnesses that may have seen the crash. Write down your recollection of what happened and what other people report. Try to document the scene with pictures of the damages and the surrounding area.

If you’ve made a good record of what happened right after the accident has occurred, you are more likely to have the evidence you need to file a claim.

Get Qualified Help

If you or another driver is injured, it’s important that you find qualified legal help. Even if you feel the accident was minor or you feel that your case is fairly simple, you still need a car accident lawyer to guide you through your claim and, if necessary, pursue a lawsuit on your behalf. Many law firms, including Steinberg Law, have contingency-based fees and free consultations. If you want to file a claim or seek council, you should consult a qualified accident attorney immediately.